teana-mcdonald-cc-fc_web.jpgIncreasing companies’ online presence through the power of social media & public relations.

TEANA MCDONALD: Head Diva In Charge running a successful lifestyle brand, working with million-dollar clients; B.A. in Marketing and a M.A. in ecommerce while working in the retail and pre-paid/financial industries; president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, former co-host of NBC’s Miami Moms and industry expert on the popular web series 3 Loud Women.


Company mission: To increase the visibility of a company or brand through savvy and effective social media marketing and public relations.


Stay tuned for: Teana McDonald, aka The InStyle Diva, co-hosting on a local TV station by 2014, sharing my experiences with women who are building a career while juggling a family.


Contact: Call 954-344-5151, email Teana@TheInStyleDiva.com, visit theinstylediva.com or Twitter @TheInStyleDiva


Philosophy: If you stay focused, work hard and put it out into the universe it will happen!

*Pictured above is Teana McDonald.