Courtesy of His Mouthpiece

At times as a woman, I have failed to view myself the way that God sees me. I have compared myself to others and in turn, was living their lives and not the life pre-destined for me. But God! He calls me

Beloved, which means, “dearly loved; dear to the heart.” This is what God thinks of me!

So I pray, Father, help me to embrace this truth and not taint what You have purposed for me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Beloved, I’ve always had you in mind
Since I formed Adam from the dust and decided to extract a rib from His side To form one of My most precious creations: woman, a jewel Truly a sensation!

An interesting side of Me, I knew of the beauty you could add to this earth
So I left a charge, to you and man saying:
“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

My Words, My Desire, for you and he Yet, somehow you’ve forgotten this purpose And instead, have chosen to live life inferiorly Which is the opposite of My perfect plan Don’t you remember beloved … the day you accepted Christ? A revival took place and changed your very life! I exchanged My Life for yours and instead of death you now have everlasting life Now, a great power you behold! Not life as the world defines it, With treasures of temporary things, but life more abundantly Knowing that heaven is your gain I instructed you to work, work while it is yet day

Planting seeds that are lasting; seeds that wouldn’t ever decay Eternal fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness Just to name a few For these are lasting and a part of My very purpose for you Beloved, remember My desire is to be “high and lifted up” And as you do this, promoting My will, Putting self and pride aside, I will draw others through your actions unto Myself As you daily allow Me to be your Guide

Good works you must do, not in your own might or strength But by Mine My Precious Holy Spirit seeks to fill you For apart from Me you can do nothing Beloved, I need you to live in light of My truth And remember your worth For to live or die for Me, as Paul declared, is gain Indeed, you are my workmanship created in Christ to do good works

For it’s only in Me that you can fulfill My purpose until My eternal reign and return upon the earth You must occupy until I come; I expect good fruit from your life After all, I made My abode in you
Stay on the narrow road, walk in my Light … My Beloved daughter.