alberto-m-carvalho_web.jpgMIAMI — The state Board of Education has announced that Holmes Elementary School and Booker T. Washington, Miami Central, and Miami Edison senior high schools have demonstrated adequate progress to exit “Intervene” status under the state’s Differentiated Accountability compliance requirements.

The schools have met state-mandated requirements related to school improvement planning, educator quality, curriculum alignment, Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model and monitoring processes and plans.

“Three short years after a threat of closure by the state, these iconic schools today stand as beacons of hope and opportunity for the communities they represent,” said Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho.

“Perseverance, determination and a laser-like-focus on instruction, at the hands of expert teachers and leaders and with grassroots community support, have transformed not only the quality of education in these environments, but the future standard of living their students will enjoy.”

The schools will officially exit intervene status on July 1, and will not be at risk of closing.