West Palm Beach, Fla. – The ladies of the West Palm Beach Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., came out in grand style last Saturday as members held a “high stakes" casino and Kentucky

Derby-themed affair at the Embassy Suites in West Palm Beach filled with fun and games fit for a day at the casino.

The Delta Derby Casino Extravaganza featured games of blackjack, poker, double roulette, and craps, to benefit the sorority’s community programs under their Five-Point Pro-

grammatic Thrust of economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, physical and mental health, and political awareness and involvement.

The four-hour event was filled with food, music, socially distant fellowship, sensational Kentucky Derby themed outfits, and their fancy hats, big and small.

It was the sorority’s first in-person affair since the pandemic, said Chapter President Denise Williams. “I think it went well and the attendees seemed to really have enjoyed themselves. We’re pleased at how it turned out.”